Monday, October 12, 2009


A list of prompts for discussion (many more to come). If you have an idea for a better format to present them in, please let me know!

Some of these might be great prompts to give to your group and have them answer anonymously on index cards (numbers 5 and 11), that way you can form more prompts with the answers and bring them up in later dialogues.
  1. What do you do on a typical Saturday night? Why?
  2. What would you like to change most about social (gender, race, religious) dynamics on this campus?
  3. How do people at Princeton feel about legacy students? Are they stereotyped?
  4. Who feels like a visitor on this campus? Who feels like part of the community?
  5. What is a topic you are passionate about and believe every student should have an understanding of before they graduate?
  6. Pick three words to identify yourself, then state how you are similar or dissimilar to each identifier
  7. Who would your parents least like you to bring home?
  8. What is the story behind your name?
  9. What is a home-cooked meal to you?
  10. In what ways do you feel "mainstream" on campus? In what ways do you feel like a "misfit"?
  11. What is the most racist/sexist/prejudiced event you have witnessed on campus? How did you feel? How did you react?
  12. What are you afraid of?
  13. How has your identity been challenged since coming to Princeton?
More prompts to come!


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